
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ending and Beginning

As I complete the ESL TCP, it is an ending, but a beginning...

These last few months have most definitely been a challenge for me.  I started this program in January and completed the first 3 courses at the same time.  Followed by this culminating course and a whirlwind practicum, the program almost feels too short ;) ! I learned an amazing amount of new information about how languages are acquired, how we learn first and second (or fifth!) languages, and how adults learn in general.  I learned so many new strategies about teaching reading, writing, listening and speaking.  Although I had some experience in EFL in Egypt, I was surprised how much I didn't know!

The teaching of grammar in a task-based, communicative way is perhaps the most challenging thing I have learned through these courses, but is one of the first things I want to try in the classroom!  Because it places language in context, I anticipate learners will find it very rewarding.

Completing my practicum was very demanding.  I needed to finish it quickly because I was only in Winnipeg for a short time and everyone did their very best to accommodate me.  Being in the classroom again was like a spark of energy.  I learned a lot from my supervisor and sponsor teachers and I'm sure I will take those lessons forward with me as I begin working with language learners - hopefully in the very near future!

I may have said this before, but it deserves to be said again here:  THANK YOU to all my classmates throughout the four courses and to Kaleigh and Terena, who, each in their own way, helped make my experience smooth and valuable!

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