
Thursday, May 10, 2012

One Writing Task

The following is a short description of how I would address a writing task included in my module of choice, Healthful Food Choices and Habits.

Task: Write a menu for 3 days (9 meals) and include a list of included nutrients and amount of daily recommended servings

Approach: I would teach this task by first making sure that the learners have learned how to read the documents which would help them determine the included nutrients (Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods) and servings (Count Food Guide).  These lessons are to be addressed earlier in week 2 of my module.  The task addressed here (writing a menu) would be most likely set for the last day of the week, after the learners have had a chance to use these documents with a number of other activities.

Next, a bit of scaffolding and reflection I would most likely have them reflect on the structures they observed as they analyzed a menu in Thursday's activity (choosing healthful items from a restaurant menu).  I would ask them to look again at the same menus and take note of the structure of the menu.  What comes first?  What comes next?  Are any words larger than others? Why?  Are any words in bold or highlighted? Why?  I would have prepared a few other menus for them to look at and identify similarities and differences.  Which do they find the most informative?  Which is the easiest to read? Why? Which is the most attractive? Why?

Next, a bit of brainstorming and development of autonomy: Then, I would probably invite learners to brainstorm in pairs or small groups some of the ideas they could include in their menu.  They could use the earlier documents (Canada's Food Guide, Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods, My Food Guide, Count Food Guide) as tools, too.  Maybe they could draw up some mind maps.  Then, I would have them work on their own for a while and develop their menu.  I would probably have pairs switch drafts and discuss the formats and structural elements highlighted earlier.

Sharing and assessment:  Finally, I would have the learners who would like to, share their menus with the others in the class.  I would collect the finish products and give feedback built upon the stated rubric.